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U-arm X-ray machine is recommended for private orthopedic clinics

Lillian 11月 17, 2021

What kind of X-ray machine is used in private orthopedic clinics for filming? In fact, it is recommended to use a U-arm X-ray machine, because the general X-ray machine used to shoot bones may not be very clear, while U-arm X-ray machine has 30 KW and 50 kW can be used by orthopedic clinics for filming. And the U-arm X-ray machine can not only take pictures of bones, but of course it can also take chest radiographs, spine and limbs. It can be said that the U-arm X-ray machines that can be taken by ordinary film machines can take pictures. Therefore, if you are a private orthopedic clinic, it is recommended that you choose a U-arm X-ray machine as a filming machine.

U-arm X-ray machine

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