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U-arm X-ray machine selection for orthopedic clinic X-ray machine

Lillian 11月 19, 2021

What type of X-ray machine is generally used in orthopedic clinics? There are more U-arm X-ray machines.
In our daily business, there are many orthopedic clinics that require X-ray machines. In the business I have encountered, most of them want U-arm X-ray machines because of the size of the room, the protection involved, and the convenience of use. Due to the influence of factors, the installation conditions of the U-arm X-ray machine are much harsher. But at the same time, the small size of the U-arm X-ray machine and other factors determine its large radiation dose. Normal limbs and chest radiographs are no problem. Lumbar spine is also ok, but like the lumbar spine lateral position is even more okay. Now, the U-arm X-ray machine can penetrate through and take clear images.
If you also need a U-arm X-ray machine, please contact us!

U-arm X-ray machine

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