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U-arm X-ray machine is recommended for filming equipment in chiropractic clinics

Lillian 11月 16, 2021

Customer demand: Today I received an inquiry from the chiropractic clinic for filming equipment. At present, their clinic’s business license is still being processed. I want to investigate and consult the chiropractic clinic for filming equipment. They mainly take pictures of bones such as the spine and lumbar spine. Do you know that there are special requirements for the material of this X-ray room? Let our company recommend a suitable X-ray machine.
Our solution: send the information of our U-arm X-ray machine to the customer. The U-arm X-ray machine should be used to take pictures of the limbs and chest. It should be no problem to take the lumbar spine. It is best to choose the U-arm X-ray of 300MA-500MA The customer said that they should use the U-arm X-ray machine. Regarding the protection of the U-arm X-ray machine, there are professional manufacturers who do protection, and they are all lead-protected rooms.
Seeing here, everyone knows which chiropractic clinic should choose the filming equipment.

U-arm X-ray machine

(+86) 18953679166