Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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Wuhan customers inquire about sickle arm X-ray machine

Newheek-Uarm 8月 04, 2022

Wuhan customers have learned about our sickle arm X-ray machine and portable DR, and are very interested in our X-ray machine. They want to know the specific information and quotation of our X-ray machine, and they will buy from our company if necessary.
The customer is specially inquiring about products for the army. This time, he inquired about a set of DR equipment for the health center in Xinjiang, and recommended our 100mA mobile DR to the customer. It’s a problem, but the lateral view of the lumbar vertebrae may not be photographed clearly for people who are particularly fat. The customer asked if there is any one that can take the whole body, and we pushed our sickle arm X-ray machine to the customer, which can take the whole body and use it, and the image is clear. I sent product information and quotations to customers, and responded that I would buy them from our company if necessary.
The pictures of our sickle arm X-ray machine are as follows:

(+86) 18953679166