Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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Chengdu customers inquire about sickle arm X-ray machine

Newheek-Uarm 8月 04, 2022

Chengdu customers saw our sickle arm X-ray machine on our company’s 1688, and are very interested in our sickle arm X-ray machine. I want to know the specific information and quotation of our sickle arm X-ray machine, if necessary will buy from us.
The customer is a distributor and is bidding for the forensic department. The customer needs a sickle-arm X-ray machine with a wireless flat panel. I would like to introduce to the customer that our sickle-arm X-ray machine is equipped with a wired flat panel, and cannot be equipped with a wireless flat panel detector. , sent the product information and quotation to the customer, and the customer will buy from our company if necessary.
The pictures of our sickle arm X-ray machine are as follows:

(+86) 18953679166