Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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What equipment is included in a large x-ray machine above 500mA-sickle arm x-ray machine

Lillian 6月 30, 2021

Generally, the X-ray machines used in clinics are mostly small-dose machines, such as 30ma, 50ma and 100ma. For some complicated situations, a 500ma X-ray machine is needed.
The 500ma filming machine owned by Newheek includes gastrointestinal machine, sickle arm X-ray machine and other equipment. The gastrointestinal machine itself has a high-frequency and high-pressure generator controlled by a microcomputer and an electric fluoroscopy bed (island gastrointestinal bed), and exposure conditions Stable and precise, the rotation angle is accurate, meeting the needs of clinical multi-position photography, and the safety function is also reassuring. Our sickle arm X-ray machine can achieve accurate rotation angle and multi-angle photography to meet clinical needs. If you are interested in such a sickle arm X-ray machine, please contact us.

sickle arm x-ray machine

(+86) 18953679166