Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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Customer in Shanghai enquired about sickle arm X-ray machine

Lillian 6月 02, 2021

A customer in Shanghai called Newheek consulting sickle arm X-ray machine, and we first asked the customer about the specific requirements.The customer said that their company is mainly engaged in industrial X-ray machines for non-destructive testing and food testing. Many customers would ask if they have sickle arm X-ray machine. They are considering expanding their business in this area and cooperating with us for a long time.We have been specializing in the production of sickle arm X-ray machine and their components for more than 20 years. We provide a variety of types of sickle arm X-ray machine. If there are specific needs of customers, we can introduce specific styles to customers.Customer said yes, have specific needs and then contact.

What type of chest holder is used for the 500 mA X-ray U arm

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