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What are the requirements for the beam limiter used in the X-ray U arm plate DR?

Abby 6月 12, 2019

The beam limiter is a device that is used on an X-ray machine to control the X-rays emitted from the tube. There are usually beam limiter types for both 125KV and 150KV tubes. There are also two main types of beam limiters suitable for the X-ray U arm plate DR.
What are the x ray collimator in radiology brands for portable X-ray machines
The X-ray U arm plate DR adopts the tightly-structured design, which makes it occupy the smallest space, but can realize the conversion of the photographic part as quickly as possible, saving the shooting time, simple design, not simple function, reducing the failure rate of the whole machine and modular design. Easy to maintain. It also has advanced flat panel detectors, clear images at your fingertips, high-quality high-voltage generators, and power settings that change at will. How to choose the beam limiter suitable for the U-arm plate DR, mainly depends on whether the bulb on the X-ray U arm plate DR is 125KV or 150KV. The beam limiter suitable for the X-ray U arm plate DR can also be selected according to the size and weight of the beam limiter, and generally uses a larger volume and weight limiter.
What are the requirements for the beam limiter used in the X-ray U arm plate DR

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