Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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What are the characteristics of the film bed for the X-ray U arm?

Abby 6月 04, 2019

The X-ray U arm is a popular type of X-ray machine. It can be used for standing filming. When choosing a suitable film bed in a horizontal film, what kind of film bed is suitable for the X-ray U arm?
 What are the characteristics of the film bed for the X-ray U arm
The UC ARM has both reset and rotary protection. It can be preset to three positions to enter the machine, and press the three reset button, the system will move to your preset position. When the X-ray U arm is in the lower position, it can turn it by the key. It won’t rotate. Then run to a higher location and it will work. This feature is to protect the machine from tipping because the X-ray U arm touches the ground while rotating.
When using the film bed, you can choose the easiest mobile film bed, because the X-ray U arm has a car, the material of the film bed is generally plexiglass material, MDF material and carbon fiber material.
 What are the characteristics of the film bed for the X-ray U arm

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