Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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The customer inquires about the protection of U-arm X-ray machine

Lillian 5月 12, 2021

Recently, many customers have asked about the protection of U-arm X-ray machine. U-arm X-ray machine X-ray is harmful to the body, may cause cancer and so on, may cause malformation to the fetus. So contact should be reduced. U-arm X-ray machine can be shielded by a few millimeters of lead, preferably from a distance of tens of meters away. Compared with chest X-ray, chest X-ray images are clear, with better contrast, which is suitable for observation of small lesions and thick parts. Permanent records can be kept for comparison and consultation during review.
This is the reason why doctors suggest that patients take chest X-ray after finding lesions during chest X-ray examination. The disadvantage of chest X-ray is that it can’t observe the movement of moving organs, which costs a lot and takes a long time to produce results.
If you are interested in U-arm X-ray machine, please come to consult.


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