Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

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Someone’s clinic consultation sickle arm X-ray machine

Lillian 7月 30, 2021

Someone’s clinic saw our product sickle arm X-ray machine through our website, and was very interested, and came to inquire about the sickle arm X-ray machine. The client is used to take pictures of the cervical spine, spine and pelvis. He asked whether our sickle arm X-ray machine can take pictures clearly, and the answer is that it can be taken clearly. Our sickle arm X-ray machine is available in 300ma and 500ma. It is used to take pictures of the cervical spine, spine and pelvis. There is no need to worry about the problem of unclear shooting.
I sent the customer the product information of the sickle arm X-ray machine and introduced the product function, and sent the customer the picture of the installation, the customer’s response will be compared with the mobile DR, and then contact us.

sickle arm X-ray machine

(+86) 18953679166