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How much milliampere is needed for U-arm X-ray machine to take lumbar spine

Lillian 10月 26, 2021

How much milliampere does it take to take a lumbar spine with a U-arm X-ray machine? There is actually no specific mA to explain this issue. Because everyone’s body shape is different, if it is a child, it may need 100MA, while the average adult needs 200MA, the fat person may need 300MA, and the overweight person may need 500MA or more, so it is said that the U-arm X-ray machine How much milliampere is needed to pat the lumbar spine has a lot to do with a person’s body shape. Normal hospitals buy a U-arm X-ray machine to take pictures of the lumbar spine. It is recommended to buy a U-arm X-ray machine of more than 300MA to take pictures, so that the shooting range is relatively wide.

U-arm X-ray machine

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