Newheek manufacture X-ray UC arms

HomeBlog ›1688 Inquiry Zhuozhou Hospital inquired about sickle arm film machine.

1688 Inquiry Zhuozhou Hospital inquired about sickle arm film machine.

Newheek-Uarm 3月 17, 2022

On March 8, 2022, 1688 inquiries were received from Zhuozhou Hospital for a sickle-arm film machine. The customer said that the sickle-arm film machine they consulted was mainly used to take chest X-rays. The client gave a recommendation for a mobile film camera. The information of the sickle arm film machine is sent to the customer to inform the customer that there are 1417 and 1717 flat-panel detectors, which are divided into wired flat-panel detectors and wireless flat-panel detectors. In addition, there are optional parts in the data, so that customers can confirm the optional parts.
Currently waiting for the customer’s response.
If you are interested in our sickle arm film machine, you are welcome to contact us.

Design advantages of X-ray U arm for digital systems

(+86) 18953679166